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December 1 / Advent HOPE

HOPE - the 1st Sunday of Advent

December 1, 2024
9:30am Worship

HOPE - The 1st Sunday of Advent
Communion Sunday

Scripture: Romans 8:18–25, Luke 2:1–3 (NRSVue)
Sermon: by Rev. Karen Wright
Music: Music shared by the Praise Team, Carrie DeVries, director. Selections include: “Make Room” by Mark Hall & Matt Maher; “O Come, Divine Messiah” Traditional Advent Hymn by Robbie Seay Band; “Magnificat” by Keith & Kristyn Getty; and “Emmanuel” by Steve Angrisano.

Prayer of Hope:  O God, as we light the first candle of this Advent wreath, we open our hearts in hope. May the light of this candle remind us of the hope we have in you. May it inspire us to prepare our hearts and minds for the coming of your Son, Jesus Christ, our hope and our Savior. Amen.

Generosity Campaign - Submit your pledge using links below

Adult Christian Education

10:45am, Room 3

“On the Way to Bethlehem” - Rev. Karen Wright will lead our Advent Adult Education class as we follow the long journey to Christmas through a series of lessons based on “On the Way to Bethlehem” by Rob Fuquay. The journey to Christmas begins in Rome with a decree issued from the seat of worldly power for a census, setting into motion events leading to the birth of the Savior of the world in a town that represents the very opposite of worldly power, Bethlehem. The series will provide insight into the geographical and historical significance of Rome, Jerusalem, Nazareth, and Bethlehem, along with the important characters through whom the Christmas drama unfolds.

Some music is reprinted by permission CCLI #1154643 and #A-705105. Any videos are shown by permission of CVLI #50408750. Any Streaming or Podcasts of worship services (including music) in audio or video form are covered under CCLI #2684265.