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The Longest Night, December 22

The Longest Night

A service of remembrance
Sunday, December 22, 7pm

(In-person only - service will not be streamed online.)

Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church warmly invites you to our “Longest Night” service on Sunday, December 22, at 7pm. We recognize that the holiday season can be particularly challenging for those experiencing grief, loss, illness, or hardship. While many celebrate, some may feel a deeper sense of loneliness.

Join us for a time of music, scripture, silence, and prayers. This service offers a space to connect with God in comforting ways, honoring loved ones and sharing hope, as we turn toward welcoming the Christ Child. Those we love are never far from us, even though at the holidays it can feel that way. Bring a photo or remembrance item, and experience God’s love and find solace in community.

Some music is reprinted by permission CCLI #1154643 and #A-705105. Any videos are shown by permission of CVLI #50408750. Any Streaming or Podcasts of worship services (including music) in audio or video form are covered under CCLI #2684265.