Generosity through the Generations

graphic of a gift

Growing in Faith Together

Each January marks the beginning of a new fiscal year, and that means a new budget must be prepared. In 2020, we were reminded that we were “in this together.” In 2022, we launch a new stewardship campaign, Growing In Faith Together (GIFT).

This is a year of new beginnings for our congregation.

We can embrace our new beginnings and grow our faith by giving freely of our Time, Talent, and Treasure in thankfulness to God. We are looking forward to our first full year together with in-person worship and mission. More opportunities to Grow In Faith Together are on our horizon. Let’s watch for them and nurture them together.

We’re exploring exciting new opportunities for impactful mission. Our children’s ministry is fun and energetic, with numbers in our SMASH program growing. The pandemic has shown us the clear needs of the community that we have the ability to help with. We’ve learned the balance we need in caring for the members of our church family and in caring for our sisters and brothers in need.

The road ahead is exciting, but only if you are part of it.

Stewardship drives can be scary. Will members return their pledge cards? Will enough money be pledged so we can put together a workable budget and fulfill the ministries of our congregation? Stewardship drives become exciting when members return their pledge cards — and show how much they love our church and want Grace Covenant to continue ministering to its members, the local community, and beyond.

Take a moment to think about what Grace Covenant means to you – to all of us. and give generously of your time, talent, and treasure? Help us Grow In Faith Together!

Sincerely, the Staff and Church Officers of Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church

Won’t you please join us in pledging your commitment to supporting the life of Grace Covenant?

God has assigned to each of us the responsibility of managing the resources we have been given, including time, money and the ability for us to serve. We are so blessed at Grace Covenant that the resources and volunteers have been provided to us by God to accomplish our ministries.

GCPC asks for our pledges now, so that our leadership can plan the program life of the church for the year ahead, and do so with a balanced budget. Making an annual stewardship pledge is a commitment of your financial support for the coming year

You may fulfill your pledge on any schedule that meets your needs – weekly, monthly, quarterly or in one lump sum.

The vitality of our church depends on your ongoing, committed support. This support includes your financial commitment, participation in worship and other congregational activities, including the offering of your time and talent.