Weekend Crafters Winter Retreat 2024

Join for a time of creativity and fellowship at this "Mini-Retreat"

Friday, January 12, 6-10pm and Saturday, January 13, 9-4pm

***   Register ASAP to help us prepare  ***

Held at Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church in Heartland Hall.

Open to ALL!  Invite friends, family and co-workers!  For ages 16+ only.  No childcare available.



Registration is $20/per person to cover costs for 2 craft sessions held on Saturday.
Please add $12 if you want to be part of our Twisted Fresh lunch order.  

We request your registration to be completed by January 8 
Be sure to use this link (through the church's payment portal) to complete your payment

(Enter $20 or $32 dollars depending on your lunch plans)

Retreat Agenda

Friday 6pm - 10pm

What will we do Friday night?

         Open craft time!  Work on any project of your choice!

What should I bring for Friday night?

  1. Bring an appetizer to share.
  2. Bring supplies for any crafts you want to work on during our retreat. We will leave these in the room for Day Two of the retreat. No need to take home for the evening.
  3. See "Tips and Helpful Information" at bottom of this page.

Saturday 9am - 4pm

What will do we do on Saturday?

  • 9 to 10:00am:  Breakfast, coffee, and free craft time 
  • 10:00 am to 12:00 noon:  Our GCPC Quilting group meets at this time and we will join them.  We'll learn tips from our fabric masters and help them with a few of their projects.
  • Noon:  Lunch  (Opt into our Twisted Fresh order or Bring your own)
  • 1 to 2:30pm:  Service Project - We will be assisting Jaylee Soule in her Girl Scout Gold Project which will require our creative hands and hearts.  Her project will be benefiting residents of assisted living homes.
  • 2:30 to 4:00pm:  Open craft time!  Work on any project of your choice!  You are welcome to stay until 6:00pm if you wish.

What should I bring on Saturday?

  • Bring supplies for any crafts you want to work on during our retreat.
  • Bring a good fabric scissors if you have one.
  • See "Tips and Helpful Information" at bottom of this page.

Craft Donations!

Do you have craft supplies that you no longer use and would want to share/donate?  Bring your stash and put on our donation table.  Take whatever you wish!  Everything left over will either be shared with our Children's Team or donated to any teachers who are interested, or to ScrapsKC. (Here is a link to the items accepted by ScrapsKC.)


Contact Christy christysoule@yahoo.com

Register to attend the Weekend Crafters Winter Retreat 2024

Please register as early as you can so we can prepare items for you.  Registration requested by Monday January 8th if you need a due date.  However, if you would like to attend after this date has passed, please contact Christy Soule and we'll confirm the details.  We want to include as many as we can but also help those organizing to be well prepared for all.  Thank you!

First Name *
Last Name *
Will you be attending Friday and Saturday events?
(Check all that apply)

Lunch Options

Would you like to be part of our group lunch order from Twisted Fresh?   Opt in here to let us know.   Ensure you include $12 payment with your $20 retreat fee for a total of $32.  We will confirm lunch orders the week prior to the retreat via email. 

Feel free to bring your own lunch as well.

Lunch opt in

Miscellaneous Info

Would you like your work space near an electric outlet? (This is for open craft time)

How did you learn about this MEGA mini-retreat?

Please answer ALL REQUIRED FIELDS or your registration will not go through.

You will receive a confirmation email, and be redirected to a payment portal to submit your Registration Fee.  Thank you!

Tips and Other Helpful Information

Table space.  You will have "half" of a round table for your work space.  You may have more space depending upon the number of people who sign up.

Bring your own beverage cup/mug.  Ice will be available.  

Bring your own basic craft supplies.  Bring supplies that you know you will need to make your crafts.  Please LABEL your items or be sure you keep track of them if you share tools, etc.  Bring a glue gun/glue sticks for our Saturday crafts lessons.

Electricity.  If you need to have your work area near an electric outlet, let us know when you sign-up. Bring an extension cord to give you extra length to the plugs.

Comfort.  Wear whatever makes you feel creative and cozy.  Bring a soft cushion for your tush to give comfort from the plastic chairs in Heartland Hall.