Every Easter members and guests adorn a cross with fresh flowers transforming a symbol of death, darkness, pain, and hopelessness into something that is beautiful, new and alive in celebration of the Resurrection of Christ.
We are delighted that you're here!
Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church celebrates God’s all-inclusive love. In gratitude for that love, we act in ways to make God’s presence visible in our families, in the greater Kansas City community, and in the world.
Everything we are and everything we do is a celebration of the love we feel as God’s beloved children.
Celebration means taking a clear and joyful stand for inclusion of all God’s children—and gladly bearing the consequences of saying aloud so all can hear that all—ALL –are made in God’s own image. Celebration is sometimes quiet meditation or personal prayers said in great hope or in quiet desperation for a better world. It is generous donations of money to feed children in Haiti and in Kansas City or to send our high school students to sing and to serve in places that need love and light.
We value creativity, community, justice and healing for all.
We are a traditional church in an untraditional way. As a Matthew 25 congregation, we recognize Christ’s urgent call to be a church of action, where God’s love, justice and mercy shine forth and are contagious. GCPC is an Earth Care Congregation and have committed to the “Earth Care Pledge," accomplishing a specific number of actions toward caring for God’s earth in four categories: worship, education, facilities, and outreach.
We welcome new ideas and we welcome you.
In-Person and Online Worship
Worship is one of the most powerful ways we can express our love for God and our gratitude for God’s sustaining grace.
Each Sunday we worship at 9:30am in-person and online through Facebook and Zoom, with Christian Education for adults, children and youth, following at 10:45am.
Sunday School
Our Adult Education Program will meet at 10:45am. See bulletin or worship pages for information on current studies.
Our Nursery welcomes young children. Our ushers can assist families to the nursery located in Room 22, in the children’s wing. Worship bags are available for children who stay in worship.
Awakening to Worship, our child-friendly worship time, is for children ages 4 through first grade. Children depart with leaders from the Sanctuary following the Children's Time in worship. Parents may pick up their children in Room 12 on the lower level following worship.
Toddlers/Preschool is for 2-4yrs. This class is located in Room 23.
Kindergarten – 1st Grades meet in Room 25 (10:45am gathers for Joy! Singers and will be escorted to their workshop.) (Grace Makers Workshop Rotation classes move each week.)
2nd—5th/6th Grades meet in Room 15 (10:45am gathers for Celebration! Singers) (Grace Makers Workshop Rotation classes move each week.)
High School Youth meet in Room 19a Our Youth gather each Sunday in the Youth Room which is in the lower level of our Education Wing at 10:45am.
Large print bulletins and bibles and hearing-assist devices are available from the ushers upon request. Accessible parking is available near the entrance to the church and on the west end of parking lot. There is an elevator in the east wing that gives access to the lower level classrooms. If you have other special needs please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate you.
We can’t wait to get to know you!
Contact the church office at office@gcpc.org, or give us a call at 913-345-1256 for more information.