Sunday School
There's Room for Everyone in Sunday School!
Our Nursery welcomes young children. Our ushers can assist families to the nursery located in Room 22, in the children’s wing. Worship bags are available for children who stay in worship.
Awakening to Worship, our child-friendly worship time, is for children ages 4 through first grade. Children depart with leaders from the Sanctuary following the Children's Time in worship. Parents may pick up their children in Room 12 on the lower level following worship.
Toddlers/Preschool is for 2-4yrs. This class is located in Room 23.
Kindergarten – 1st Grades meet in Room 25 (10:45am gathers for Joy! Singers and will be escorted to their workshop.) (Grace Makers Workshop Rotation classes move each week.)
2nd—5th/6th Grades meet in Room 15 (10:45am gathers for Celebration! Singers) (Grace Makers Workshop Rotation classes move each week.)
High School Youth meet in Room 19a Our Youth gather each Sunday in the Youth Room which is in the lower level of our Education Wing at 10:45am.
For more information about our Children's Education programs, contact Emily Nelson-Dixon (, Christian Education Director, or the church office at 913-345.1256,