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Church History

Our mission is simple. We want to make our community a better place through education and the enlisting of our citizens to bring services to those in need. We accomplish our mission through our core values.

We have been a vital part of our community for a number of years. We were founded to serve a growing segment of our community in need of inaccessible services. We have continued to grow with the help of our donors and volunteers that make our mission possible. Through all these years our purpose still remains the same: bring services to those in need.

In February of 1985, 50 people made a commitment to start a new church. Grace Covenant has been "Growing by God's Grace" ever since. We met in the cafeteria of Indian Valley Elementary School for worship and other Sunday morning activities but from the very beginning, this has been a seven-day-a-week congregation. That’s because our members take their faith with them wherever they go. They always have! In doing so, the good news of the Gospel is spread far and wide.

 We began worship there on Palm Sunday in 1985 and chartered on June 22, 1985 with 123 charter members. In 1986, February's cold wintery Sundays averaged more than 200 in attendance. Spring brought 273 to celebrate Easter and "I'm Growing with Grace Covenant" T-shirts were the fashion rage. We had over 400 participating in worship on Easter in 1987. Spirits soared that summer at the groundbreaking ceremony for our first building.  Doors to our new church home opened for worship on August 14, 1988. More than twice the numbers expected arrived, and two services had to be put in place to accommodate everyone.

 Several years later, and in recognition of the diversity of meaningful worship experiences, we added a third service to the schedule. Likewise, it wasn't long before the congregation constructed the second phase of the building, completing our education wing in 1992.

The facility has become home to over six hundred members, two pre-schools, and a variety of community groups who use the building as their base. These groups help bring life and growth to our dream of serving. Hardly a day passes when the building is not bustling with activity. We like it like that!

Times have changed since the 80s and so has the church. Now we have a complete staff to help support the members in their many ministries. Our music program is recognized as one of the finest in a city that is filled with great church choirs. The congregation's commitment to serving the needs of the poor and neglected continues to motivate generosity as significant numbers in the congregation give of their time and their talents. Our educational offerings for children, youth and adults are unsurpassed. Over the years the church has developed a reputation for being an advocate for the homeless, the excluded, and the overlooked. We are particularly proud to be known by the good work we do in God's name.

The year 2010 was a significant one in the history of the church as we celebrated our 25th anniversary as a community of faith on June 20 and also the retirement of our founding pastor, Jay McKell. In Jay’s words - It seems like only yesterday that Grace Covenant Church was nothing more than a dream. The idea of a new church, a different church, a vital and energetic church where all would be welcomed, where questions were encouraged, where mission to those in need mattered, and where Easter was everyday was so appealing that soon these dreams and ideas began to become reality.

Today we are living our dream and entertaining other dreams that will draw us closer and closer to being the people God calls us to be. We are blessed so that we might bless others. Grace Covenant continues its ongoing commitment to "Grow by God's Grace."