Doing good in the community and at GCPC
Get involved in making our church and community a better place by by signing up for an activity, church support opportunity or outreach initiative.
We are proud of the work that our members are doing to regularly meet specific needs in the community and in our church.
How to Sign Up!
CLICK the BLUE NAME to be redirected to either a Sign-Up Genius Online Sign-Up Sheet, or a website about a particular outreach organization we support.
Support our Church Programs
Are you interested in serving as a virtual liturgist by reading scripture for worship? If so, this is the opportunity for you! When you sign up, you'll receive an email at the start of the week that includes the scripture for the week and any special instructions. Our Worship Team is grateful to all our liturgist volunteers!
We hope you will consider our volunteer opportunities for our Awakening to Worship Children's Service. As a storyteller, you will be introducing our younger elementary aged kiddos to the various parts of our worship service. If you are interested, we'll provide you some brief training and you'll be on your way to a very rewarding experience for yourself and our children. We provide training to our teachers to help equip them in the best possible way. If you are interested in helping, please contact Rev. Sue and she will help get you set up for success. We provide our sign-up genius list for volunteers to remember where the sign-up list is.
Our Grace Makers program is our Sunday School program for our elementary age kiddos. We use a Workshop Rotation curriculum and are always interested in having help to execute these fun and exciting rotations. We provide training to our teachers to help equip them in the best possible way. If you are interested in helping, please contact our church office and we will get you in touch with our Children's Team for success. We provide our sign-up genius list for volunteers to remember where the sign-up list is.
We offer a Sunday School program for children ages 2 and 3. We use the Follow Me curriculum and are always interested in having help to execute these fun and exciting rotations. We provide training to our teachers to help equip them in the best possible way. If you are interested in helping, please contact our church office and we will get you in touch with our Children's Team for success. We provide our sign-up genius list for volunteers to remember where the sign-up list is.
We offer a Sunday School program for children ages 4 and 5. We use the Follow Me curriculum and are always interested in having help to execute these fun and exciting rotations. We provide training to our teachers to help equip them in the best possible way. If you are interested in helping, please contact our church office and we will get you in touch with our Children's Team for success. We provide our sign-up genius list for volunteers to remember where the sign-up list is.
Our SMASH group meets the third Sunday of the month (ordinarily and a few exceptions) with K-5th grade students to enjoy learning about different topics through service, music, art, sports and hanging out with friends. Our group has grown and we are in need of some additional helpers. Here’s what a helper will do: help the children with crafts and activities, especially our youngest; assist with keeping children on task, reading, creating, snack distribution and clean up, and restroom trips; participate in the games. Thank you for considering to volunteer with us. We'll have laugh, have fun and enjoy a little chaos together!
Are you ordained Elder in the PCUSA and would like to attend a Presbytery meeting on behalf of GCPC? Please check out our sign up genius for more details on how you can help.
GCPC members feed the homeless every fourth Saturday of the month by preparing a meal for 60-70 people in our church kitchen and then delivering it to the Uplift organization in downtown Kansas City. The hot meals are distributed that evening to numerous homeless camps in the metro area. We only need a few volunteers once a month to make this happen. Click above to visit our latest sign-up genius where we are actively looking for generous helpers like yourself. If you wish to be notified via email when the sign-up is available, please contact our church office to be added to our mailing list. To learn more about the organization, visit http://www.uplift.org/.
Each month GCPC helps serve a meal at the Wilhelmina Gill Service Center in KCK. We look for volunteers to help with kitchen duties (both line servers and dish washers). We also need a volunteers to make cookies that our volunteers bring to serve as well. Please note a new rule: Children must be at least twelve years old to volunteer in the kitchen but I am sure they make great helpers in your own kitchen. • Check back here soon for our sign-up link when it becomes available.
Food donations for Catholic Charities continue all throughout the year. Please drop off your donations weekdays between 8:30am and 4pm. You can use either the barrel in front of the wooden doors in the main entrance, or the bin inside the Weekday Entrance.
Little Food Pantry
We host a little food pantry on the northwest corner of our church property. Our pantry was built as part of Jenna's (one of our church members) Girl Scout Gold Award project. Our sign reads "Take what you need, share what you can". We hope anyone in need will visit our pantry and take items they need. We welcome all donations. You can drop your donations off within the pantry itself or if you have a large supply of items, please leave them in our weekday entrance with a notation that they are for the Little Food Pantry. Our most needed items are individual drinks, individual snacks and canned goods of any kind. Additional suggestions can be found in our February 2022 GCPC newsletter. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us at gcpc_littlefoodpantry@yahoo.com
We can put your gently used shoes to use! Please rubber band each pair of shoes together and place them in bins located within the church's weekday entrance. S4S turns unwanted shoes into opportunity, by keeping them from going to waste and putting them to good use. They provide relief, create jobs and empower people to break the cycle of poverty.
If you have questions about any of these opportunities, please contact our church office and we'll help find the answers. Thank you for your interest and involvement with our the mission work of GCPC.