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Children's Music Groups


Celebration! is a choir of K-5th grade students which meet in Room 15 at the end of the Sunday School hour from 10:45-11:00am.  Celebration! is led by Lara Schesser and Angela Krug.

An exciting new addition to singing time will be when Pam Kelly teaches our children how to ring handbells and handchimes (approx. every other Sunday). A main goal for music in the church for children is to guide each of them to learn to make beautiful sounds and read music in order to enter more fully into worship for a lifetime!  Note:  Parents of Celebration Singers should email Pam Kelly to be included on the email list sent each week with song selections.

SMASH Music Time

Additional music time for 1st–5th graders will be held during Children’s Ministry’s SMASH program (Service, Music, Art, Sports, Hangout). SMASH meets quarterly from 4:00-6:00pm. 

Littlest Music Makers

Littlest Music Makers is a choir for our preschool children, ages 4-5. We meet at the end of the Sunday School hour from 10:45-11:00am in their classroom. Littlest Music Makers is led by Katie Hearn and Emily Hussey. With simple melodies, familiar lyrics, motions, and rhythm instruments, kids have a great first experience with music at GCPC.

To learn more about our vocal choirs, please contact Rebecca Prater, Director of Music Ministries, at, or 913-345-1256, ext #13.