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March 16, 2025
9:30am Worship
2nd Sunday of Lent
Scripture: Galatians 5:1, 13–25, Luke 9:51–56
Sermon: "Turn From Anger to Grace" by Rev. Karen Wright
Music: Praise Team led music, Carrie DeVries, director
Worship is livestreamed every Sunday on this worship page, and the home page of our website. You can also view on our Facebook page and YouTube channel.
The Season of Lent
Lent is a season of reflection, repentance, and renewal. It is a time to journey with Christ toward the cross, examining our hearts and drawing closer to God. This year our Lenten theme, “Journey of Resistance: Overcoming Temptation in Luke,” invites us to consider the struggles we all face—temptations that seek to pull us away from God’s purpose for our lives. As we resist the temptations of anger, greed, fear, power, or complacency, we also embrace something deeper: the grace, love, and transformation God offers. What might we need to surrender to follow Christ more faithfully? View all of our Lenten resources at
Adult Christian Education
10:45am in Room 3
Adult Education Class Lenten Series
Join us each Sunday at 10:45am for an Adult Education Class, led by Rev. Karen Wright and other church members, based on the Lenten Sermon Series, “Journey of Resistance: Overcoming Temptation in Luke." They will engage us further in the text and challenge us to consider: What temptations do we face in our daily lives? How do we continually turn away from what pulls us from God and return to Him? March 16, Rev. Don Wilson leads the class on "Tempted to Turn Away." Join us in Room 3.
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