January 12, 2025
9:30am Worship
Baptism of the Lord Sunday!
Scripture: Luke 3:15–17, 21-22, Isaiah 43:1–7 (NRSVue)
Sermon: "Through the Waters" by Rev. Karen Wright
Music: Organ led worship. Chancel & Exaltation! Singers anthems, “What Star Is This?” arr. Craig Curry, “Pilgrims’ Hymn” by Stephen Paulus, and “The Lord Bless You and Keep You” by Peter C. Lutkin.

Join Us to Celebrate Rebecca Prater’s 20 Years of Service
Reception following worship
On Sunday, January 12, at 9:30am, we will gather for a special worship service, followed by a reception in Heartland Hall, to honor and thank Rebecca Prater, our beloved Director of Music Ministries, as she retires after 20 remarkable years of service.
Rebecca’s exceptional leadership, artistry, creativity, and deep love for worship through music have inspired and blessed our congregation in countless ways. Her unwavering dedication has profoundly shaped our church family and worship experience.
Join us as we express our heartfelt gratitude and celebrate the many gifts Rebecca has brought to Grace Covenant. We look forward to seeing you there!
Adult Christian Education
10:45am, Room 3
No Christian Education Class today.
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