January 19, 2025
9:30am Worship
A special worship service, featuring The Gospel of Freedom — Remembering the Witness and Ministry of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. — adapted from The AfricanAmericanLectionary.org. Posted on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Worship Resources, on the Disciples of Christ Council on Christian Unity website.
Music: Praise Team led worship, focusing on the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Adult Christian Education

10:45am, Choir Room
Join Us for a Special Sunday School Class
This Sunday, January 19, at 10:45am in Room 4, join us for a special Sunday School Class as Dr. Rick Randolph shares his powerful story of faith in action. Dr. Randolph, a family physician and former military doctor, recently served in Ukraine with Global Care Force, providing personal healthcare to civilians impacted by the devastating war. His firsthand experience offers a profound perspective on living out Matthew 25: caring for "the least of these" in times of injustice and suffering.
Come hear how his journey has been guided by faith, compassion, and a call to serve those in need—and learn how you can be part of this mission.
About Global Care Force: Global Care Force connects volunteers with organizations that serve people in need.
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