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July 30, 2023 Worship

July 30, 2023

9th Sunday after Pentecost

9:30am Worship

Scripture: Matthew 13:31–33; 1 Kings 3:5–12
Sermon: “Kingdom of Heaven” by Sarah Trembley Evans
Music: Praise Team, Carrie DeVries, director

Our guest preacher today will be Sarah Trembley Evans

Sarah has been a ruling elder, and a deacon, serving on different church teams, such as Personnel, Worship, Connections and Care, etc. She has been active in Heartland Presbytery, serving on Commission on Ministry, and the executive leadership team. She completed her Certificate in Congregational Leadership, from the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary in 2018, and has been a Commissioned Ruling Elder, serving in various smaller churches through pulpit supply. In her professional life, she has been employed as a professional development coach, counselor, and instructor in higher education, working at JCCC, Rockhurst U, and currently at UMKC with their MBA students. She is the proud grandma of 4 nearly perfect grandchildren, all under the age of 4. She is married to Bryan, also a GCPC member. Her time with GCPC has spanned over 30 years, given a few stops and starts, and she is humbled and honored to help with Worship at GCPC.

Grace Summer Sessions

10:45am - July 23
Intergenerational Sunday School


Please join Liz Chandler and Mikki Walker after church on July 30 in Room 3 to learn about recent changes in waste management at GCPC. Have you ever wondered what can go in our recycling bins? Or how they get emptied? Have you noticed the green bucket on the kitchen counter and wondered, “What’s that for?” Please bring all your questions and join us for this discussion about some of the ways GCPC continues to live our commitment as an EarthCare congregation.

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