The Session and I agreed to another one-year interim contract. We are working to finish some things and to schedule a time for the Session to meet with COM about options to change my pastoral designation and enable me, if all parties are willing and this seems like a good fit, to remain as pastor for a longer time frame.
We continue to work on what the identity of Grace Covenant will be moving forward. I was struck by a line in Dr. King’s sermon “Transformed Non-Conformist” which you can find in the worship bulletin from Jan 19th. He said “… [the church has conformed to] the status quo of the world. Ever since that time the church has been like a weak and ineffectual trumpet making uncertain sounds, rather than a strong trumpet sounding a clarion call for truth and righteousness.”
It makes me wonder, who would it look like for GCPC to live into being a strong trumpet? What is it we are called to do to bring about righteousness and truth in the world?
Blessings —
Rev. Karen Wright, Transitional Pastor, Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church