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September 10, 2023 Worship

September 10, 2023

15th Sunday After Pentecost  

9:30am Worship

Scripture: Acts 12:1-17

Sermon: "The Power of a Church’s Prayer"

Guest Preacher: Rev. Susan Cox: Susan is a United Methodist minister serving in retirement as the chaplain at Westchester Village in Lenexa, a senior housing facility. She has pastored churches throughout southern Illinois and Missouri. She also served as District Superintendent for the northern Kansas City area. She has two adult children, Cana and Caleb Cox-Johnson and has crocheted over 750 warm hats over the past four years for homeless/houseless persons in Kansas City and throughout the United States. Carla enjoys the company of her husband Anthony, their cat Dolly, and being outside in nature.

THIS SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 — TOWN HALL —  after worship in Heartland Hall. Lunch will be provided by the Generosity Team. Each team will provide a brief review of the proposed 2024 budget, and you will have the opportunity to ask questions, provide feedback, and let us know your thoughts before the budget is finalized and then approved by Session.  

Music: Praise Team, Carrie DeVries, director 

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