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Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church celebrates God’s grace for everyone.

We gather to worship. We equip ourselves to share faith. We send ourselves to serve.

Sunday morning Worship at 9:30am.
Sunday School at 10:45am

Worship service information can be found here. Worship streams on our website, Facebook page and YouTube channel.

Watch our worship service here each Sunday.

(Image below serves as a placeholder for the livestream for weekly service.)

Our Mission

Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church celebrates God’s unbounded grace and all-inclusive love.  God gathers us in a welcoming community, with our curiosity and questions, to worship creatively, learn from God’s word, share our gifts, and deepen our faith. With grateful hearts and a spirit of adventure, we go to serve Christ in the world, sharing kindness with everyone, and working for justice rooted in God’s love.

At Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church we are committed to sharing God's all-inclusive love and standing with those who are victims of injustice. We invite you to join us in the work that needs to be done to join the call to remember the victims of racial violence and affirm our commitment to work together to dismantle structural racism. We are a Matthew 25 congregation.  Learn more here.

Transition Update

Rev Wright in black robe with green stole

The Session and I agreed to another one-year interim contract. We are working to finish some things and to schedule a time for the Session to meet with COM about options to change my pastoral designation and enable me, if all parties are willing and this seems like a good fit, to remain as pastor for a longer time frame.

We continue to work on what the identity of Grace Covenant will be moving forward. I was struck by a line in Dr. King’s sermon “Transformed Non-Conformist” which you can find in the worship bulletin from Jan 19th. He said “… [the church has conformed to] the status quo of the world. Ever since that time the church has been like a weak and ineffectual trumpet making uncertain sounds, rather than a strong trumpet sounding a clarion call for truth and righteousness.”  

It makes me wonder, who would it look like for GCPC to live into being a strong trumpet? What is it we are called to do to bring about righteousness and truth in the world?

Blessings —
Rev. Karen Wright, Transitional Pastor, Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church