Grace Covenant is among twenty-seven congregations in Johnson County that support the Good Faith Network’s (GFN) efforts seeking justice through interactions with Johnson County government.
In its initial years, the network worked on issues of mental health, ending homelessness, and affordable housing. The 2025 opening of a mental health crisis stabilization unit for voluntary patients, as early as June, is one outstanding result of GFN’s efforts.
During the 2024–25 cycle, GFN has added elder care to the issues it is working on. Their research has uncovered a program called CAPABLE (Community Aging in Place Advancing Better Living for Elders) that has significant promise. (Check it out by Googling “CAPABLE program.”)
How can you support GFN? Twenty-seven Grace Covenant members are “members” of GFN through their commitment to try and attend four GFN events. One of those events, the Nehemiah Action on Tuesday May 6 at 6pm at Resurrection Methodist Church in Leawood, is the event where GFN demands are made to Johnson County government. To show the power of the network, there is a goal of 1,600 people attending that event, with at least 75 from Grace Covenant.
Could you attend and perhaps bring friends? It would be helpful if you let Dave Pack, Eileen Thomson, or Joy or Don Wilson know that you plan to attend.
Another significant event for the GFN is the Solutions Briefing on Sunday, April 6 at 3pm at Grace UMC, 11485 South Ridgeview Road in Olathe. At this event, the asks to be presented to Johnson County government at the Nehemiah Action will be revealed.
It is easy to support the GFN by attending these events. Know that it is the standard GFN practice that events will last no longer than 90 minutes.