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Visioning for the Future

In February we began a process of visioning for the future at GCPC at the Visioning Day.
We discerned three priorities for this year that our teams have all been working on:

  1. Finance and Stewardship—Increase communication about the financial needs of the church.
  2. Resource Prioritization—Determine how we can effectively mobilize the resources of people, finances and facilities we have today to carry out the mission of tomorrow.
  3. Communication—Increase awareness of what is happening in the life of the church and of opportunities for participation.

Much of this work has been going on in meetings, so we want to update you on some exciting things that are happening.

Finance and Stewardship
The Finance team has been communicating with the congregation in a variety of ways. There have been bulletin and newsletter announcements. Have you paid your per capita? The team offered a Sunday morning conversation and a booth at the Ministry Fair.  Right now they are preparing for our annual stewardship campaign.

Resource Prioritization
This is the area that has had a great deal of work from every team. As the teams have worked on their job descriptions for an updated Operating Manual, they have been evaluating their work.  They have considered what they have been doing in light of their current resources, what they can do best and what they need to no longer do.

The Connections and Care Team and Deacons have done a great deal of work discerning priorities and responsibilities. Connections and Care Team especially looked at the way they participate in church events and activities. In light of the input from Visioning Day, they have made “intentional hospitality” a priority. Their goal, as their name implies, is to offer opportunities for all of the congregation to gather together for fellowship and food. Beginning this fall, they will offer four major events designed to connect all of us together. In October there will be a barbecue cook-off. In March there will be a Chili and Pie cook-off.

With re-visioning comes change and you will see some changes in the future months. One change we want to be aware of is that the Connections and Care team will no longer host the Thanksgiving Eve chili supper.  This does not mean we can’t have one, but it does mean that we will need a new group of people to host it. It could also mean that we do something new. Perhaps a potluck or cider and sweet breads. The door is open for anyone who wishes to take this on. Please contact either Rev. Mitch or Sue if you’d like to volunteer.

Communication is always a concern for a congregation. We are happy to have a variety of communication vehicles. The Welcoming and Marketing Team has created a wonderful new website you’ll want to check out. We have a church Facebook page and several other group pages. You are reading this monthly newsletter. Yay! Patrick sends out mid-week email announcements, and of course there is the Sunday bulletin.  There are also posters, flyers and announcements before the start of worship. We are working hard to make sure you are informed, but we need your help to make our communication effective. We ask you to make a commitment to reading the monthly newsletter.  Together we can improve communication.
We are living into the 2019 vision for our congregation. Just imagine what we can do together!

Peace to all, Mitch and Sue