He is Risen! Easter Sunday, April 12, 2020
THIS is the day that defines us. This is a moment that shapes us. JOY breaks through wherever we are—whoever we are—and restores possibility.
JOY. Even if…
Your life is less than perfect.
You question life after death.
You won't be in worship with a new Easter outfit this year.
Your days are clouded by regret, sorrow, fear or doubt.
In fact, Easter JOY is especially for those of us living under clouds. Come exactly as you are. Got JOY? Get some. Join us!
Our online worship service (Facebook Live and Zoom) was a celebration of the resurrection with special music from a Chancel ensemble and the Praise Team. We took part in an online Sacrament of Communion. Everyone had their bread and drink ready at home and we will share in the hope of the Lord’s Supper in spirit.
Music and Lyric translations are reprinted by permission CCLI #1154643 and OneLicense.net #A-705105.