Online Worship, Sunday, November 1, 10am
Season of Thanks Giving
Sermon, “We Are Family” by Rev. Sue Trigger
Scripture readings - 1 Peter 2:1-10
Communion Sunday and All Saints Day
In early Christian tradition, saints’ days began as a way to mark the anniversary of a martyr’s death — his or her “birthday” as a saint. By the middle of the church’s first millennium, there were so many martyrs that it was hard to give them all their due. All Saints’ Day was established as an opportunity to honor all the saints, known and unknown. All Saints’ Day has a rather different focus in the Reformed tradition. While we may give thanks for the lives of particular luminaries of ages past, the emphasis is on the ongoing sanctification of the whole people of God. Rather than putting saints on pedestals as holy people set apart in glory, we give glory to God for the ordinary, holy lives of the believers in this and every age. This is an appropriate time to give thanks to members of the community of faith who have died in the past year. We also pray that we may be counted among the company of the faithful in God’s eternal realm. (from
We remember those who have passed since November 4, 2019
Richard Bumgarner , Glennas Dover , Gene Enchelmaier, Carol Vaughan Frye , Sally Jean Hinchman, Kathy Hovis, Betsy Jensen, Betty Jensen, Mary Johnson, Vern Johnson, Earline Johnson-Isom, Barbara Killion, Phyllis Lindsay, Frances M. Littlejohn, William Leon Moore, Jr., Nedra Randolph, John Schmidt, Wendell Sisk, Calvin Spence, Jane Weaver, Mark David Webb, Alfred Welsch, Jack Weyforth
We will be live-streaming worship at 10am every Sunday until further notice, on GCPC's Facebook page. Please look for the broadcast to appear on the page on/around 9:55am. The video will be saved to our Facebook news feed after it concludes.
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