Worship, September 5, 2021
Communion Sunday - First Sunday in the Season of Peace
Scripture: Proverbs 18:4, 20; Psalm 19
Sermon: "Three Lines in a Circle" — Rev. Sue Trigger (see details below)
♫ Music by Chancel Quartet. Anthem “This Is My Word” by Pepper Choplin, Charter Ringers I “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing” arr. Jason Krug (pre-recorded)
10:45am Sunday school for all ages!
Fellowship Following Worship: 10:30am Fellowship Time Outside or in Heartland Hall.
Facebook Live stream video can be found in our news feed or videos section
Click to give your offering online
This Sunday Rev. Sue introduced "A Season of Peace" with the theme "Peace Through the Written and Spoken Word." It was a storybook Sunday using the new Flyaway Book, “Three Lines in a Circle: The Exciting Life of the Peace Symbol” by Michael G. Long. The book is available from Barnes and Noble, Amazon and other book distributors.
Three Lines in a Circle tells the history of the peace symbol and how it became a powerful icon used in marches and movements around the world. CLICK HERE to download a printable dot-to-dot activity sheet that was inspired by the book.
A Season of Peace
This Sunday we began "A Season of Peace" with our PCUSA family. Path of Peace Daily Reflections are available from the season of peace website - Click Here. You may download them or subscribe for a daily email.
Help us create a wall of peace outside the sanctuary.
Download the PCUSA theme poster HERE, or pick up a copy from the children’s worship bag station on Sunday mornings. Bring your poster to church and we’ll make a colorful wall for A Season of Peace. Copies of larger posters will be in Heartland Hall for you to color during our Fellowship Time at 10:30am.
Feeling creative? Color your own symbol of peace to add to the bulletin board.
Adult Christian Education Zoom Links
Confession of Belhar - August 22 - September 12, 10:45am in Room 4, or via Zoom. (Meeting ID: 396 786 3573 Passcode: 805995)
Follow Me — Biblical Practices for Faithful Living, Begins August 22, 10:45am in Room 3, or via Zoom.
Some music is reprinted by permission CCLI #1154643 and OneLicense.net #A-705105.
Any videos are shown by permission of CVLI #50408750.
Any Streaming or Podcasts of worship services (including music) in audio or video form are covered under CCLI #2684265.