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Palm Sunday, April 10

Palm Sunday, April 10

Palm Sunday

6th Sunday of Lent
Scripture:  Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29, Luke 19:28-40
Sermon:  "A New Hope" Rev. Mitch Trigger
Music:  Led by the Praise Team, Joy! (4s-K), and Celebration! (1st-6th graders)

Spiritual Hymn:  Ride on King Jesus

  • As a Matthew 25 congregation, we are going to join in this time of honoring the contributions of enslaved musicians. Each Sunday in Lent through Easter, we are going to sing and reflect on spirituals from our hymnal and music library. A donation jar will be placed in the back of the sanctuary to collect donations that will be given to the A-Flat Orchestra music program led by Darryl Chamberlain at St. James United Methodist Church in KC, MO. He wants to give every child in Kansas City the chance to learn to play an instrument. Elder Harold Frye frequently contributes donated instruments to this organization.

Mask protocols for this Sunday:   MASKS OPTIONAL

About this week's Spiritual Hymn

Adult Sunday School

10:45 am - via Zoom (links below - click class name in BLUE to go to Zoom link)

Some music is reprinted by permission CCLI #1154643 and #A-705105.
Any videos are shown by permission of CVLI #50408750. Any Streaming or Podcasts of worship services (including music) in audio or video form are covered under CCLI #2684265.