Online Worship, Sunday, August 16, 10am
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We welcome the Rev. Sheri Fry, Interim Associate Executive Presbyter, Heartland Presbytery as our guest pastor.
Rev. Fry will preach from Matthew 15:21-28. This is the story of Jesus’ encounter with a Canaanite woman, in which Jesus declares he was “only sent for the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” I think it’s a turning point in Jesus’ ministry and I think it’s the only time in the Gospels in which Jesus appears to change his mind. Her sermon title is “Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone."
Rev. Sheri Fry is serving Heartland Presbytery as the Interim Associate Executive Presbyter. She holds a Masters of Divinity degree and is a Minister of Word and Sacrament in the PC(USA). Sheri is married to Brian Pendleton and they have three 20 something children in Denver. When not working in Kansas City and not having to follow COVID protocols she loves to mountain bike, hike, scuba dive and explore the world with family and friends.
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We will be live-streaming worship at 10am every Sunday until further notice, on GCPC's Facebook page. Please look for the broadcast to appear on the page on/around 9:55am. The video will be saved to our Facebook news feed after it concludes.
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