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Online Worship | July 12

Online Worship, Sunday, July 12, 10am

Dr. Tyler Mayfield, Guest Preacher.

Guest Preacher, Dr. Tyler Mayfield

The sermon is entitled, “Harry and the Heel.”  The birth of the next generation – twins! – in Genesis brings with it lingering questions about who exactly is God’s chosen.  Can the brothers dwell together in unity? Biblical text is from Genesis 25:19-34.

Dr. Mayfield, the Arnold Black Rhodes Professor of Old Testament and Director of the Grawemeyer Award in Religion at Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, teaches courses in biblical theology, ethical readings of Scripture, and prophetic literature. He leads a triennial travel seminar to Israel and Palestine to explore the ancient biblical sites as well as contemporary Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.  His third book, “Unto Us a Child is Born: Isaiah, Advent and our Jewish Neighbors“ (2020), helps Christians read the prophetic book of Isaiah liturgically through the lens of the season of Advent and ethically through the lens of love for Jewish neighbor.

We will be live-streaming worship at 10am every Sunday until further notice, on GCPC's Facebook page. Please look for the broadcast to appear on the page on/around 9:55am.  The video will be saved to our Facebook news feed after it concludes.

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