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April 18, Online Worship 10am

Online Worship, Sunday, April 18, 10am

3rd Sunday of Easter

Earth Care Sunday
A New Heaven and New Earth

Scripture - 2 Peter 3:12-13

Music by the Praise Team

“Planet B” - Sermon by Rev. Mitch Trigger – Creation Justice Ministries have put together a Christian education resource centered around the nexus of health, environmental racism, and ecological justice, a pertinent intersection in our current time. 

Kairos Team led Adult Sunday School Class

April 18 at 11:15am on Zoom, following Online Worship

Join Jo and Rick Randolph preparing for the 51st annual worldwide celebration of Earth Day and its theme of “Restore Our Earth.“ We will explore how ‘Restoring Our Earth’ compels us to work for the healing of those who Jesus called ‘the least of these. The Earth and its people are groaning. We are called to respond!  Kairos is a ministry team of advocacy and action.

Join Zoom Meeting Here 
Meeting ID: 872 2084 5770  Passcode: GCPC2021

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