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Worship - January 9, 2022

Worship, January 9, 2022

The four stained glass sanctuary windows incorporate the elements of air, earth, fire and water.

Sunday, January 9, 9:30am
Online Worship

Scripture:  Exodus 14:15–25; Mark 1:1-11
Sermon:  "Passage Through the Waters” by Rev. Sue Trigger
Music:  Chancel Quartet; Kat Mason, bass flute solo; Lindsay Callender, solo

It’s a time to seek God’s revelation to us for 2022.

(Effective 1/6/2022)
Due to the dramatic surge in COVID-19 infections in our area and nationwide, the Session has decided that for the next month Grace Covenant will return to virtual on-line worship ONLY until February 6. This is also true for adult, youth, and children's classes (except there will be NO children's classes on Sunday. January 9). We make this decision not only because of public information, but because a number of members and families have had positive COVID tests despite being fully vaccinated and bolstered. Add to that the many unvaccinated children in our congregation, and it only seems prudent to take this precaution.  Let us all pray for one another and for the health of the world — peace be with you.  —Revs. Mitch & Sue Trigger 

Adult Sunday School

10:45 am - via Zoom (links below - click class name in BLUE to go to Zoom link)

Some music is reprinted by permission CCLI #1154643 and #A-705105.
Any videos are shown by permission of CVLI #50408750. Any Streaming or Podcasts of worship services (including music) in audio or video form are covered under CCLI #2684265.