Easter Sunday, April 17, 2022
Scripture: John 20:1-18, Acts 10:34-43
Sermon: “This is for Everyone” by Rev. Sue & Mitch Trigger
Spiritual Hymn: Hymn 352 – My Lord! What a Morning!
We rejoiced in Christ’s resurrection with beautiful music, confetti and the Sacrament of Communion. At Grace Covenant, a long-time tradition is the “flowering of the cross” on Easter Sunday, when everyone attending places a flower on the cross. The flowering of the cross represents the transition from Good Friday to Easter, from meditation on Jesus’ death to joyful celebration of his resurrection. The ceremony transforms a barren cross, a reminder of Jesus’ death, into an Easter symbol. Covered with flowers, the cross serves not only as an emblem of Jesus’ resurrection but also of the continuing presence of Christ among today’s believers. All were welcomed to place a flower on the cross.
9am Worship
We rejoiced in Christ’s resurrection with beautiful music, confetti, the Sacrament of Communion and flowering of the cross.
Music Leadership by Praise Team: Musical selections include “Glory, Glory Halleluia,” traditional; “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands,” an African American Spiritual; “Forgiven,” by Crowder; “Communion” by Maverick City Music, and “Ev’ry Time I Feel the Spirit,” an African American Spiritual.
11am Worship
We rejoiced in Christ’s resurrection with beautiful music, confetti, the Sacrament of Communion and flowering of the cross. Music Leadership by Chancel & Exaltation! Singers I & II, Charter Ringers, and Joon Park, trumpet.
- Chancel & Exaltation! Singers will sing “Lift High the Cross,” arr. Paul Leddington Wright with Congregation, Trumpet, & Organ; “He Rose! Hallelujah!,” by Lloyd Pfautsch with Trumpet; and “I Know That My Redeemer Lives,” arr. Dan Forrest with 4-hand piano. (Donated in memory of Paul Thomas by Celia and Mike Nicholas.)
- Charter Ringers will ring “That Easter Day with Joy Was Bright,” arr. Brenda E. Austin; and “Motionally Charged,” by Matthew Prins.
Reflecting on the Spirituals
As a Matthew 25 congregation, we are going to join in this time of honoring the contributions of enslaved musicians. Each Sunday in Lent through Easter, we are going to sing and reflect on spirituals from our hymnal and music library. A donation jar will be placed in the back of the sanctuary to collect donations that will be given to the A-Flat Orchestra music program led by Darryl Chamberlain at St. James United Methodist Church in KC, MO. He wants to give every child in Kansas City the chance to learn to play an instrument. Elder Harold Frye frequently contributes donated instruments to this organization.
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