May 22, 2022 Worship
Presbyterian Heritage Sunday
Teacher Appreciation
Orchestra Sunday
6th Sunday of Easter
Scripture: Acts 16:9-15; John 5: 1–9
Sermon: "Unprovoked Grace" by Rev. Mitch Trigger
Music: Music leadership by Praise Team & GCPC Orchestra
Every year, Presbyterians celebrate Heritage Sunday, a day to reflect upon and learn more about the long and rich history of the Presbyterian church in America.
VBS, June 6-10. Click title to sign up!
Adult Sunday School, 10:45am
10:45 am - via Zoom (links below - click class name in BLUE to go to Zoom link)
Follow Me: Living in Community: 10:45am
The Scriptures testify to the importance of community, from God’s admonition in Genesis 2:18—that it is not good for humans to be alone—to Revelation 21—where the vision of a new heaven and new earth is a city where God dwells with mortals. Between these first and final books in the Bible, Scripture is filled with stories and teachings about life in community with God and our neighbors. What are churches but a community of believers all worshiping God and learning to live together with gospel values?
Come explore these stories of community and consider how we can live them out at GPCPC. This class will resume meeting in room 3. You can Zoom in at:
Good Goats: Healing Our Image of God: 10:45am
This is one of Rev. Sue and Mitch’s favorite resources for talking about questions of sin, hell, vengeance. Through a blending of story, scripture and theology, this book tackles these issues in such a way that readers are led to transformation and healing.
Books will be available from the church office or from Rev. Sue. The book is also available on Kindle, Amazon and other booksellers. Suggested book donation - $8.
The class will meet in Room 4. You can Zoom in at:
Some music is reprinted by permission CCLI #1154643 and #A-705105.
Any videos are shown by permission of CVLI #50408750. Any Streaming or Podcasts of worship services (including music) in audio or video form are covered under CCLI #2684265.