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Worship Information Pages

Our Worship is at 9:30am In-Person and on Facebook and Zoom.

See navigation for the website page for our services.

In-Person Worship Guidelines

Following the protocols set out by the Session is more than just “obeying the guidelines.” It’s how we show that we care for the whole body of Christ, not just ourselves. By returning to the church building, we ask that all agree to a covenant of behaviors that is designed to extend God’s compassionate care to all worshippers.

Please read our in-person worship guidelines carefully.  Link below.  If you require further explanation, or have questions that are not covered in this list, please contact the church office at


We cannot walk in this world alone and it is our joy and privilege to pray for one another. Our hope is that you are lifted up, strengthened, and reminded of God’s love as our GCPC family prays for you. We believe prayer makes a difference in our lives, and in the lives of others.  If you have a prayer request please submit your requests to